In this guide, you will receive an overview of clay poker chips. When it co
Poker chips are also often referred to as "checks". In some cases, depend on the locat
, they may also be id
ified as "cheques". Clay poker chips that are
ated through the means of molds and c
devices are among the most common
e of poker chip in the gam
industry today.
As early as the 1880's, there were canies that specialized in
clay chips. In the early days, a mixt
of clay and a subs
ce called shellac was mixed together and then c
so that
yers could implem
the use of th
items instead of the s
dard gold pieces, coins, and wood chips that were originally u
. Clay chips have been and can be
ated dis
a large number of intricate designs, patterns, pict
s, and logos.
In addit to this, the s
dard colors of white, red, and even blue can be
ated. However, to date, th
es of chips can be
ated in practically any color that a
yer desires. Many
yers enjoy the variety of colors, designs, and exquisite quality when it co
to th
es of chips. This is one reason why they are such a popular choice.
Many individuals believe that clay chips are co
irely of clay. However, this is actually inaccurate. Th
chips are often referred to as "c
molded chips" among those that design them and implem
the use of them. There are many subs
ces that are added to the clay that is u
ate th
poker chips in order to instill a h
level of durability. Th
materials may include any and/or all of the follow
: sand, certain
es of clay c
s, and even mixt
s of calcium.
Most manufactrs of clay casino poker chips are actually quite se
tive when it co
to the actual
process. In the early days of clay be
for chips, it was discovered that the chips would become easily damaged, and would collapse in many ins
ces. However, for nearly a c
ury, they have become quite strong due to the small deposits of various materials be
added to the mix.
When it co to the care and maintenance of clay casino poker chips, one must be very cautious. It is impor
t to unders
d that th
cannot be
ced in water or cleans
systems such as dishwashers if they are to remain intact and in dec
. Most profess
als agree that the most appropriate method to clean
chips is to
ate a mixt
of deterg
that is mild in c
and water.
Once this is done, a soft bristle infant toothbrush should be u to l
tly clean the sides and the edges of the chip. Once clean, they should be laid out on a soft, nonabrasive cloth in order to dry. Once dry, the chips should be
ced in a dry
ce that is relatively cool. It is also impor
t to avoid expos
to sunl
t and extreme temperat
Clay casino poker chips have various wets. The we
t is depend
upon the materials u
ate the chip, and whether or not lead is integrated into the c
. The we
t is meas
s in grams, and starts at 8.5g (grams) when it co
to clay poker chips. You can also find clay chips in we
ts up to 10 grams in most ins
ces. There is a powder that contains h
traces of lead that is someti
of poker chips that are clay ba
. Naturally, if this powder is u
, it will in
ase the we
t of the chip. Not all h
er we
t chips have this powder included in them.
There are many advantages to purchas th
es of poker chips. First, th
are the most popular
es of chips u
in the commercial and the private sector when it co
to various
es of poker ga
like Texas Holdem, Seven Card Stud, Five Card Draw, and Caribbean Stud Poker. Next, th
chips have excell
It has been found that they are much easier to work with than the sdard
stic chips on the market today. Th
poker chips are except
al when it co
to durability. Last, but not least by any means, they are affordable as well! Now that you have been introduced to clay casino poker chips, you can easily see why they are such a wonderful choice for your gam
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