As poker rises in popularity, so does the number of ignorant players who just play for kicks. They disrupt the whole flow of the game and give it a lot of disrespect. A certain instance is when
Te are lots of moments w
just throws their card like it was literally trash. Sometimes, the cards flip o
and your hand will be shown to a few people who even cared about looking at you. Again, this t
s out the element of fairness in the game because the ot
player may use this as a basis of calling or folding given
t card can't possibly be a kicker for his/
nt. So to speak, you're wrecking the game for a couple of unknowing players. Keep things formal and fold your hand properly by sliding it to the dealer using both hands.
When betting, some people just toss in their chips, making a horrid splash t m
s it difficult for the dealer to count. This t
s up unnecessary time and drains all the energy of the round and disrupts the natural flow of the game. Bet properly by stacking your chips and sliding it o
to the center of the ta
. Doing
t shouldn't be
y difficult.
This is of the most common breaches of etiquette
t people do. Similar to the situation above, t
e might be instances w
ein some
just bangs at the ta
and fusses o
a horri
fold he/she did. Again, it t
s the life of the game and t
s out some strategies
t may be used on the round.
Te are times when
asks an opp
nt to show their hand to them. Sometimes, they accede to the request and show it to them. But the pro
m is
t they seem to keep it to themselves like a cute little secret. Don't do
t in a casino or even in a cash game. It annoys a lot of people. Keep the game fair for e
Te are people who space out in the middle of the round and it t
s a little nudge or a tilted eyebrow to get him/
back to earth. Don't m
remind you it's your turn, please. A lot of people t
y seriously and a good number even gam
with this game as a profession. Respect the game, and you'll get respect in return.
Hstly, if you want to be respected at the poker ta
. Don't be a brat but be a mature person who loves to play the game. Minding your manners is a part of
t. Actually, people shouldn't even talk about this because it should be customary task. And not only does it help you in the poker ta
, but also in life in general. Play the game properly and you'll both get respect and admiration from your peers because of your class and love for the game.
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