The drama of being able to sniff out bluffs and knowing when to call doesn't really transmit to the audience when you watch Texas Hold'Em on ESPN or in films. Professional
These "people-reading" skills also help in people and life lessons too, given t it teaches
how to make most of an opportunity. "Don't rush your way in playing your pocket aces, relish the moment and make the most m
y by slow-playing it"- this is a lesson most useful in say, courting a girl. Funny as it sounds, when she does give you an opportunity, don't jump in like some excited kid. Lure her to you slowly like how an expert
er player lures his/her opp
nt into calling his aces. As the old adage goes, "take it slow". Many strong hands in
er have ruined their chances to win big cash by over-anxious players who bet too high too fast and end the hand prematurely.
Also, it helps think of things in many levels, not simply black and white. P
r isn't a game of betting and folding, it includes many variables, like the opp
nt's betting patterns and the way he/she is playing so far. Top
er players think this way, and playing
er helps
think about problems and finally decide when he/she is d
in thinking everything through.
Lastly, a lesson t can be gleaned and implicitly imbued in
er is
should take calculated risks. Risk-taking is an important and inevitable aspect in
s life, and meaning of risk in
er is oftentimes exaggerated by critics. The thing is, it helps you realize which
s are worth fighting for and which
s are not. In business, it helps you focus on
investment, given a general rule in
er: be tight yet aggressive, doing risks
t maximize the profitability of your hand. So to speak, look at what you invested in and make the most out of it; don't diversify and raise the probability
t they won't work for you.
Given all the arguments above then it's good to say t
er teaches the old and young alike not only to m
y effectively by subconscious lessons, it branches out, teaching us about life in general.
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