If you are the proud owner of Vegas casino poker chips, I am s
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The first thing that you must understand when it comes to cling poker chips is that certain types are more prone to accumulating dirt, and grime than other types. The ingredients in poker chips play a large role in this. Poker chips that are composed of clay, for instance, are much more likely to accumulate debris and even fade as time progresses. However, chips that are created by implementing the use of ceramic are less likely to accrue various types of debris. If you are interested in cl
ing y
gaming chips for the purpose and intent of maintaining them, learn what they are composed of first.
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The next s in properly cl
ing y
Vegas casino poker chips is to determine their overall value. If you are collector, for example, you want to avoid using basic cl
ing methods on y
poker chips. You should ens
that the chips are placed in a display to avoid contact with consistent levels of dirt and grime. If y
poker chips are basic and not so valuable, you may be able to use simple methods of cl
ing them. There are many professional cl
ers that you can implement in order to ens
maintenance on y
valuable chips. If you elect to cl
poker chips y
self, it is important to do it in a proper manner. If you visit a casino, for instance, you can find machines that actually wash y
chips for you!
S 3:
Let's say that you do not have access to a poker chip cling machine. That is fine. There are still ways that you can cl
those beautiful poker accessories! All you have to do is purchase a soft bristle toothbrush. The best types, in my opinion, are the ones that are sold in the infant and toddler departments of local department stores, like Wal-Mart. Once you have picked up the toothbrush, get some detergent that is considered to be mild by nat
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When you get home, take a small cup and add one half of a teaspoon of the detergent to warm water. Make s that you mix the water and the detergent well.
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Be s that you avoid taking y
Vegas casino poker chips and putting them in water, or in the mixt
that you have created. All you want to do is dip the soft bristle toothbrush that you have purchased for the endeavor in the cup.
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Take the toothbrush and gently start to scrub the top, bottom, and sides of y poker chips.
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If there is an inlay on the poker chip, be s to avoid cl
ing this section with the toothbrush as it may damage it. Take a damp cloth to cl
this area. Otherwise, water and soap may seep inside the inlay.
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Once the Vegas casino poker chips are cled, simply allow them to air dry. Once they are dry, you may consider oiling them like Professional Poker Players do.
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Be s to check out the Res
ces section listed below for some great links on Vegas casino poker chips, Poker articles, and more!
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