Desire to Be a G
To bec a truly g
t poker
yer, you must first have a relentless burning
ire to master the game, as well as yourself as a
yer. Why is this important? Weak
ire usually inspires weak effort, scattered focus and diluted results - and this is true for
rything, not just poker!
How do you dlop a burning
ire? By getting crystal clear about your goals and objectives.
When it cs to poker, what are your goals? Why do you want to be a g
t poker
yer? What do you stand to gain from doing so? In other words, what is your payoff?
Take a few minutes right now to think about these questions and c up with s
solid answers. Write them down. Then look at your goals objectively.
How important are they lly? How badly do you want to achi
them? What are you willing to sacrifice to make them happen?
This exercise is powerful because it clearly rals how strong your
ire is. If being a g
t poker
yer isn't very important to you, if you don't have a burning
ire to learn all you can and make it your mission to excel at poker, you just won't do it. It's easy to d
m about being a g
t poker
yer - but do you have a burning DESIRE to be one?
If you aldy have a burning
ire and a clear idea of why this goal is important to you, you're good to go! If, how
r, you found yourself struggling to c
up with adequate answers to the questions above, the following tips should help you to get clear and ignite that little spark of
ire - and turn it into a raging inferno:
1) What is your attraction point?
Even if you're not sure why you want to be a gt poker
yer, you probably have an awareness that s
thing attracts you to the game. Spend s
time figuring out exactly what it is you like about poker. Is it the money? The thrill of winning? The challenge? The prestige? There are no wrong answers - you just need to get clear about what attracts you to the game.
2) What smothers your ire?
Beli it or not, there may be things that make you feel intimidated or uneasy about being a g
t poker
yer - which will smother your
ire. Get clear on any fears or insecurities you may have and then address them one by one.
For example, you might fear that your friends will feel uncomfortable around you if you begin to change too much. Or you might worry about how to handle big wins if you learn to y well. What
r your fears or insecurities may be, examine them and c
up with three possible ways you could handle them if they were to happen. Write these strategies down and re-
d them if you begin to feel uncertain again. Chances are your fears will n
r c
to fruition anyway, but
n if they did you would have a
n in
ce to deal with them.
3) Repetition is the fuel of ire.
In order to keep your ire strong, you'll need to keep revisiting these concepts daily. Keep your "whys" in the forefront of your mind
ry day. Re-examine your fears
ry day and affirm that you could handle them if they happened. When you do this, you keep fueling that little spark of
ire and encouraging it to grow.
If you do this long enough and consistently enough, you'll automatically find yourself feeling more determined and focused. You won't be tempted to give up on poker because it seems difficult to master. You won't be intimidated by negative thoughts, fears and beliefs. Your powerful ire to succeed will guarantee that nothing can stop you!
Go to for more information.
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