Mar 5, 2009

Poker Card Game:

Poker is a card game based on a "high-rank" hand system. Te many rules to the game, but most of them apply to the many variants that have been produced over the years. Cards dealt, swapped, or discarded in order to have the highest rank set of cards, while the plas bet on who is hold the best hand. The winner takes of the 'chips' (pieces used when bett to represent real my) from the table after each hand, and then anot hand is dealt and played. Usuy, the game ends when pla has won of the my, or after a number of specified rounds. Te many variations on the standard game of poker and they bound by rules that taken from a common rule-set.

One very popular variation is Draw Poker, with the most common of these be Five-Card Draw. In this variant, each pla at the table receives a full hand of five cards at the beginn of the game. Te usuy three rounds in which a pla may remove cards from his or hand and replace them with ot cards drawn from the deck. Then you have the option to bet on your new hand or 'check' (which is the equivalent of bett zero on your turn) or fold. When the number of specified rounds is over, every remain at the table is required to show his or hand, and the winner takes of the chips.

Anot variation that appeals to many plas is Stud Poker, which contains the popular Five-Card Stud variant. At the beginn of the game, each pla at the table is dealt card face-down and card face-up. The plas then bet on their current two-card hand and then the dealer deals anot card face-up to each person play. This continues until each pla has card face-down and four cards face-up. Since the ot pla at the table can see what four of your cards , the bett and play strategies much different than games we five cards held in your hand, unseen to ots.

A common variant that is very similar to Stud is ced Community Card Poker, in which the face-up cards shd by plas at the poker table. The most popular type of this game is Texas Hold'em, and is of the most-played card games ever. Te is even Texas Hold'em tournaments that televised and broadcast throughout the world. In this game type, each pla is dealt two cards face-down at the beginn of the game. For the remainder of the rounds, card is dealt to the 'community' hand face-up, while each pla gets an option to bet on the combination of the cards held in their hand and the cards in the community hand. At the conclusion of each game, the winner takes of the chips.

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