If your a poker pl
The best way to start analyz your hands is to pick up a track
tool such as poker tracker or hold em manager. Once you
e one of these t
its time to set it up and let it record all the hands that you play. T
after your next session filter out only the hands you pl
d big pots with and
k at the way you pl
Try to determine if you e made the correct play preflop first. Many people suggest rais
3 times the big blind and add
a big blind on for every pl
r that limps into the pot before you so be sure to make sure you raised the correct amount. T
k at the posi
n you are in at the table and if you should be
the pot given the image of the other pl
rs who
ered the pot before you. If you are first in the pot t
make sure your hand strong enough to do so. If all these th
s are in order t
its time to
k at the way you pl
d your hand after the preflop ac
Try to k at how the flop has connected with your hand and be sure to determine if your hand has become weaker or stronger. T
think about if you think your oppon
has connected with the flop that is out. Does the flop fit your oppon
s range of hands given his or her preflop ac
n? It's often best to make a continua
n bet if you were the preflop raiser but you
e to make sure the board texture is suitable first.
If your hand gets to the turn t its time to start think
about how the turn card has effected not only your hand but if it has helped your oppon
. Did it complete the flush or the straight card? If so t
its often best to proceed with cau
n. Sometimes you can
ever double barrel the turn if you think your oppon will be scared of the turn card. Try to
k at your oppon
s image and use what you know about him to determine the best course of ac
Now for the river if you e managed to make it this far. Most often the river will be your biggest decision in the hand. Do you want to try and get all the money into the pot or do you want to get to a showdown as cheap as possible. Again be sure to analyze if the river card has changed your oppon
s hand and
k to see if it has helped you at all. Sometimes you just
e to fold the river and
back at hands can really help you determine what you should
e done at the time. Use all the informa
n you gain from your analysis to try and improve your play in similar situa
ns in the future.
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