Well I personally think that luck is a key paart of freerolls

ly on in the t

Later stages of the t

ney where you are close to the money there is some strategy involved more.

ly on you can try to make moves and it wont help out that much.
Just be

lly patient,play only the nut

ds,try not to put to many chips in preflop no matter what

d you have starting out."I only say this because you are likly to get called ny more t

one prson at the table.".
And when you get closer to the money it is then you can start bluffing more and try tring to steal some pots.
I started by playing freerolls, they are a g

t way to l

n at no cost. I began by making a chart of the

d rankings for reference and added to this a starting

d chart, initially i only played the sweet 16

ds to l

n the game better and to l

n to be patient. I played this way until i had a good understanding of how the game is played, i was and st

am res

ching and

ding as much as possible about poker and playing as much as time allowed. When i thought i had an understanding of position i added to my starting

d chart, inc

sing the number of

ds i would call or raise

h before the flop but including position in the decision. I never bluffed, until i knew when and how to, i think this comes

h experience keep playing and you w

eventually know when a bluff has a good c

ce to win. If my stack becomes too small then i w

relax my starting

d reqirements, i consider ten times the big blind to be a small stack and at this stage i think it is best to go all-in or fold, i w


h any ace or king, two picture cards or any pair, maybe even suited connectors nine ten. I always know when a flush is possible because i use the f


deck, takes a little getting used to but makes the game easier.
i think dosent exist

lly a winning strategy...y

knowledge must be combined

h some luck...but depends what freeroll is,how many players,how much is prizepool and i can go on like this all day...so,for conclusion play like you play a buyin mtt and if you are good and lucky,you w

win some cash sure.
There are two ways to look at it - play conservatively at the beggining, last for at least an h

, then st

you might bust out before the money. Or you can play the donk game and play

lly loosely and hope to get lucky since its just a freeroll. I usually do option A, unless its like one of those .Com ones or a turbo.
Play Very Very tight! Write down a list of

ds you'll A) call

h pre flop, B)raise

h pre flop (and re-raise,

lly JUST AA and KK, V V rarely AK to get rid of the muck) and thats it. Dont play out of y

range t

the last quarter, then mix it up

h the

l players left.
Outlast the sit-outs. After the first h

the field w

have at least halfed, half this again

h the sit out's, they w

drop after the b

k from the blinds.
Get VERY lucky. Most freerolls pay 1% of the field, 27 places in 2700 players on Full Tilt. You wont cash on a regular basis as a l

My advice is not to play freerolls to l

n. You wont get a good feel for the game until there is cash on the table. Make a deposit and play $1 SnG's or similar. Everyone wants something for nothing!
When playing freerolls I think the best strategy is to just play tight ABC poker. When you have y

ds bet them

litvly strong since there is always those players who w

l pay you off

h weak

ds. Also try to see as many flops cheap in

ly stages

h suited connectors and small pairs to hope to flop big and take down a nice pot to build y


ly. You dont need to risk y

chips to be n

the top or chip leader. If you patient, pick y

spots correctly, and win a race or two, you w

do fine.
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