I've adapted this strategy a bit. Say I'm in s

6, on a 9 s

table, UTG, whom I know is a light raiser (and is also simply annoying me) raises to 450 on a 50-100 blind. It is

ded to s

5, who is fairly solid, but likes to be cr

ive with some marginal hands (67s, 10 j os) c

s and now it is up to me with A 7diamonds. Not a gr

hand per-se, but alot of value if I hit, and even better if I don't. (More on that in a moment). The rest of the table

ds and the flop brings 7h, Kd, Qh. I have missed the flop, aside from the 7's, and I know I am not going to continue in the hand. BUT, I also want to see a big

between UTG and S

5. UTG bets 600 into the

. A sm

bet, and giving me and S

5 tremendous odds if we were on a draw. S

5 c

s. Now I have to deside if I am willing to sacrifice a further 600 of my stack.
Of c

se this is an obvious laydown. But I feel if I do lay it down, theere is a good chance the

will be too sm

to disrupt the balance of the table and UTG will continue his obnoxious play. So I sometimes deside to make the c


. This accomplishes 2 things. One, it inflates the

therefore making any bets from my opponents that much bigger if they want to take the

down. Secondly, It assures that there is 'blood in the water' to fight over and increases the chance of a push/c

situation by either of the other players. End result: either UTG wins a masive

and cripples/busts s

5, andI move up one s

, or S

5 does the same to UTG, therefore making UTG easier to pick off.
Ok, so the example is kinda hard to

low, so I hope you at least get the gist of it. Point is, entering a hand with the plan to

d it without showdown in order to move up the ladder or upset the rythim of the table (best used when the table gets into that "


d, raise,


d" mose before the bubble). Though i must point out that this is only adviseable when you have a healthy stack compared to the blinds, and you are pretty sure, based on y

reads of y

opponents, that by leaving y

dead money in the

, they will fight to the d

h for it.
"Folding as a weapon" makes me think of two things.
First, the phrase "The best offense is a good defense." In poker, assuming a full table with a larger stack to blind ratio, you

d a large majority of y

hands, which keeps you around longer so you can learn about y

opponents, thereby exploiting their weaknesses when the opportunities present themselves. So

ding keeps you around, and being around keeps you in a position to attack.
Second, it builds y

image as a tight player. Say in a t

nament you only play premium hands. You miss a lot of opportunities for sm

s. But later you can use the reputation that


ds earned you to steal the

s sweetened with large blinds and antes.
I am a t

nament player and it is defiantely my main weapon. Yes I am Hyper Aggressive Donk but thats a different story! The Book Zen and Poker has a gr

couple chapters on the Art of The Weapon of Folding. Check into it its a gr

read. I am a big reader and own over 30books on Poker.
Folding = Patience, in many cases. Making y

moves in the correct position at the right time is

about patience, imo, and natur

y requires '

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