Online poker is a little differ
In t article, let me share with you some tips that will help you to become a better player in
ine poker:
1. As mi
d above, when you are play
ine poker, you are unable to see your oppon
s' facial expressions. Therefore, you need to m
use of whatever information available to you when you are play
ine. One tip is to see the time that the player t
s to m
a decision. An experienced
ine poker player will usually t
a shorter time to m
or her decision. So if your oppon
s a long time to m
move, chances are he is new to poker. In t
way, you can m
your move
probably try to bluff him more than you would usually do in real world.
2. Practise ine poker with free credits. If you are very new to
ine poker, my advice to you is to polish your skills by play
with free credits. In t
way, even if you lose the game, you are not los
real m
y. So t
time to develop your own strategies
increase your chance of winn
3. Register your ine poker account with a reputable site. T
is very important as you will not want to join a site which shares your private information such as credit card number. So do your research
shortlist a few sites to join. Browse through their websites
read their privacy statem
s. You should also read up reviews on the various recommended poker rooms
ine. Rooms that are recommended by other experienced
ine poker players are usually safe for you to join.
4. T down notes. In live poker, you cannot t
notes. However, when you are play
ine poker, you are sitt
in front of your computer screen whereby nobody can see what you are do
. Therefore, t
opportunity to t
down notes of your oppon
memorize the strengths
weaknesses of your oppon
5. Do a research on your oppons. Your chance of winn
greatly depends on your game selection. Therefore, always try to choose a room to join which is in sync with your curr
skill set
style of play.
Online poker is fun it allows you to play poker anytime
anywhere you want. Just remember that
ine poker is differ
from real life poker. So even if you are an experienced live poker player
have not play much
ine poker, always play it cautiously
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