If you are read
The only way to be g at
er is to practise hard and gain more experience by play
rs. However, t
e are also a number of ot
s t
you need to remember in order to be a g
er pl
1. Keep cool under pressure. The most important th is to remain calm no matter w
cards you are dealt w
. If you can
keep y
cool, you will
be able to think clearly and will result in you mak
silly decision. So always stay calm in all situations.
2. Do play every
d. When you are in the game, remember t
d needs to be pl
d. You can
play every
d and
d can be bluffed eit
. So analyse y
d carefully and stick to y
own strategies. Do
be afraid to throw away bad
3. Gain more experience by play w
rs. By play
rs, you will gain more experience and become a better
er pl
r. Note down the strategies t
opponents use and see whet
their strategies suit y
style of play. If they are, include them as y
er strategies.
4. Play the odds. If y
d is g
a top pair or straight flush, then bet it. If
, you should fold if y
opponent bets ahead of you. Do
hope for miracle. Always remember to follow the odds and stay on the safe side.
5. Bet on the turn. If you are confident w y
d, go for it. Some pl
rs always hold out in the hope of gett
even better cards. However, the c
ce is very slim. So do
hesitate to bet on the turn if you feel t
you have a g
d t
is the best on the table.
Hope t this article provides you w
the tips to become a better
er pl
r. In
er, t
e are lots of different strategies and techniques t
you can still learn. Techniques like deception are powerful t
will make you a very g
r. Nonetheless, always bear in mind
to forget the odds and numbers. You need to know when is the time to hold or fold them. G