Who likes poker? Everyone seems to like it, it has its own TV series, thousands of websites dedicated to it, and seems to be a feature in almost every western show that has ever been aired. It is a fast paced game which there normally is only one winner, but can have a bunch of players who face each other and try to out wit their opponents.
Talk about the ultimate in psychology. The goal is simple try to be the last one standing, either through “bluffing” your opponents, or through having the better hand. The rules vary, so before you just start playing poker from a book it is best to observe a few rounds and learn the ropes. Some of the rules include “Aces high´- one of the most common, others include “Deuces high”- a whole lot less common. Again it depends upon the game and the local rules.
The cards are divided into low cards and high cards (face cards �" the jacks, queens or kings). Generally the rules of ranking go something like this: single highest card (lowest win), a pair of something (same number or face card �" highest pair wins), “two pair”, “three of a kind” (same number or face card), a “straight” (cards numbered sequentially �" not of the same suite), a “flush” (all cards of the same suite �" not in order), a “full house” (a pair and three of a kind- highest three of a kind wins in a tie), “four of a kind” (four of the same �" hard to get), “straight flush” (sequential cards of the same suite), and finally the highest the “royal flush” (which is a straight flush ending with the highest card in the deck �" normally the ace).
The rules are simple, get the best possible hand you can. It could take you a lifetime to master though, as the other parts involve luck and skill. You have to know when to not bet your hand, and when to push your luck. These things come with practice, and they cannot be rushed. As you play you will learn the other players that you come into contact with, you will learn their styles and most importantly you will learn their techniques. Once you learn to “read” your opponents you stand a pretty good chance of winning, until then get ready for some bumps and bruises. The longer you have watched people and observed their habits the better you can be at the game, but be careful others like to watch as well.
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