Poker is a name used for a group of multiple card games. In most cases they involve betting and bluffing to beat other players. The history of poker itself is really a debated subject. It's been claimed to have been played Germany around the 15th century but some say it closely resembles a Persian card game. Most popular poker game is Texas Hold 'Em.
The history of Texas Hold 'Em is not completely lost like it's parent Poker. It is said that Texas Hold 'Em was first played it Robstown, Texas back in the 1900's. It was soon after introduced to Las Vegas. After that it spread like wildfire and after a few droughts it became the game as we know it today. These "droughts" were the low publicity of the tournaments around the 80's. It took a while but now professional poker is a very popular sport. In fact there are two major tournaments that are on the television now. These are the WPT and the WSP. It is more popular in casinos as well because of the strategy that you can put into your betting. So there is a brief history of Texas Hold 'Em. Now lets get to exactly how the game is played.
To start it all off the dealer passes two cards out to every player. Players have a round of betting. Once the bettting is over the dealer then lays 3 cards down. This is known as the flop. Players do another round of betting based on the chance they think they have of beating the other players. Another card is layed after that round of betting. This is known as the turn. Again players have a round of betting. Then the last card is layed. This last card is known as the river. The players then have a showdown of betting to see who wants it more. This is done until either both players call or go all in (much like other poker games). There are a number of combinations you can make with your two base cards and the delt cards to beat your opponents. They relate very much to the game of Yatzee except with cards. All of the strategy of deciding to fold or go for it is amplified with the bluffing in this game as well. So if you want to play some Texas Hold 'Em after reading this but you don't have anybody to play with guess what? You do have people to play with. Millions actually. I am talking about online poker. It is a fun way to play against others from the comfort of your home. You can play for fun or for real cash.
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