Apr 3, 2009

Play Poker Online Advantages:

Poker, a truly entertaining and mind engrosg card e is immensely popular among all card e lovers from all over the world. Online Poker has further increased the popularity of this e and brought it within the reach of common man. Anyone with an Internet connection and computer can play poker online these days. This online mode is a welcome alternative for those who used to shy away from the chaotic ambience of LIVE caos.

When online Poker was introduced first during the late 90's, there was not much hype initially. Many experienced Poker players felt this online mode won't give the real Poker playing ambience. But gradually the benefits of playing Poker online were realized. Today, most Poker e lovers don't even see the need to play at live caos. Those of you who are still not convinced, here are some reasons discussed below which emphze why online Poker has an edge over Live Poker es.

The first advantage of playing Poker online is the convenience factor. Entering to suave Los Vegas caos might be a status symbol, but it s not a practical solution always. Unless you live in nearby Atlantic City, the long drive to the caos can be pretty tiresome.

Real caos require blers to have proper attire and dress code. Many people don't like the idea of getting dressed up just to play. With play Poker online, you can play from the comfort of y home. It saves y fat premium cao club membership bills. Also there is no time constraint unlike LIVE caos. Most of the online Poker sites are open round the clock. So you can play according to y mood and as much as you can.

Multi Tabling
Play Poker online gives you an option to play at multiple tables simultaneously. This is not possible at a LIVE Poker e. The advantage of playing at multiple online poker tables is you can win more hands per h. Some people even open up eight to sixteen tables simultaneously by ug dual monitors. It's ok as long as you don't lose focus from each e. You can even select any particluar table from the number of online Poker tables.

Increased Hly Rate
Now this one could be a prominent advantage of playing Poker online. LIVE Poker can get you 20-30 hands per h on an average. But online Poker es can fetch you 60-100 hands per h.

Less Rake
LIVE caos have different strategy to deduct money from the winning pot. Usually the Rake amount is quite higher. Some even charge the entire table on hly bs. Play Poker online is a lot cheaper in this prospective. The Rake amount is very less here, usually a fraction of y winning pot.

Expert Dealers
Many times LIVE Poker es dealers are not experienced and lack the expertise to shuffle cards, chop a pot and even show the deal. You don't need to bother about these things when you are at Play Poker online. The online dealers (i.e. software) have the expertise in all aspect to run the popular Poker e automatically. Moreover, you won't need to tip the online dealer.

With so many advantages, it's definitely worth Playing Poker online. There is fun, excitement, and thrill unlimited at Play Poker online.

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