BetUS News Poker Room is pleased to of
and games available to you 24 hours a day! In addi
and exciting way to gain a grea
tournaments are also a powerful way to build your bankroll and get a
great return on a minimal investment. In a tournament, as opposed to a
live ring-game, the most m
poker tournament. All players start w
no cash value. Tournaments are available in all the poker games we
We of Multi-table, Sit &
; Go, &
; Heads-up tournaments in
various Freeze-, Re-
and Shoot-
formats. We also of
satellite Poker tournaments to gain entry into much bigger events and
freerolls t cost nothing to en
. Please see the tournament lobby
for the exact details and rules for e tournament.
Tournaments Types and Features
If more than table is needed to accommodate the number of
regised players in a tournament, it is known as a multi-table
tournament. During a Multi-table tournament, as players are eliminated,
players l be moved randomly from
table to anot
in order to
keep the number of players at e table as balanced as possible.
Although we try to be fair and move players in relan to their
posin w
the dealer button, a player may end up moving from their
blinds and move to a blind posin again.
Sit &
Sit &; Go tournaments are events t
do not have a scheduled
start time. They start when the needed number of regised players is
reed. When the prearranged number of competitors is re
ed e
participant is notified t the tournament is ab
to start. Ex
A No Limit Hold'em table Sit &
; Go
l start as soon as ten
players are regised.
When a contest is between 2 players only, it is re to as
Heads-up. Heads-up Shoot- tournaments are a good way to improve your
winning game, as you l end up facing
nt most of the time
to win any tournament. The rules are the same w Heads-up play w
the excepn t
the player w
the "dealer button" posts the small
blind and l act first pre-flop then last for the remainder of the
hand. The player who posts the big blind is dealt first.
Some tournaments allow for players to condinally Re-
Add-on during a pe
mined time period in the tournament. They allow
for players to continue in the tournament and still have the
opportunity to win the tournament for a Re- or w
Add-on. Re- &
; Add-on tournaments are a great way to increase the
pr pool and the number of players who
l qualify for pr
s. All
Re-s &
; Add-on monies are included in the pr
In a Freeze- tournament players make a single Buy-in and upon
losing all their chips, l be eliminated from the tournament. As
players become eliminated the tables are combined w ot
il th
is a final table and ultimately th
player left
w all the chips.
A Shoot- tournament consists of a limited number of players
competing on difent tables. In ro
1, players compete
il th
is player left at e
table w
all the chips. In ro
2 the
winners from ro 1 are then combined at ot
tables and they again
play il th
player left w
all the chips. A Shoot-
tournament can have between two (Heads-up) to ten players on e table
competing over 1 or more ros. The number of ro
s and players per
table varies and can be fo in the tournament lobby.
Satellite tournaments are events wh pr
s are entries into ot
larger tournaments. A satellite could award the winner(s) entries into
ot satellites. All satellite tournaments end when all players have
won or qualified for their prs.
BetUS Poker regularly ofs tournaments t
require no Buy-in or
registran fees, no risks or condi
ns. These true freerolls are our
way of giving back to our players.
Tournaments Terms &
The "Add-on" is the last opportunity a player has to addi
chips in an attempt to bet his/
chances to win a "Re-
" &
"Add-on" tournament. The Add-on is available for a limited period of
time to players af the Re-
period is over. The amo
and time
restricn can be fo
in the tournament lobby.
The registran cost for a poker tournament is re
to as a
"Buy-in". The "Buy-in" is the amo e
player must invest to en
tournament. The Buy-in amo for e
tournament can be fo
in the
tournament lobby. Total Buy-ins from all regised players creates the
total pr pool for t
tournament. Players are allowed to unregis
for a tournament up to a deadline fo in the tournament lobby.
The fee is the amo paid by the players to participate in the tournament. T
is the amo
paid to the site.
In the la stage of a tournament, when e
n represents a
substantial difence in pr
s and th
is more than
remaining, the tournament may be played "hand-for-hand". This means
t e
l play e
hand at the same time
il a player is
eliminated. Table(s) may have to wait il all hands from the ot
table(s) are completed in order to start the next hand. Hand-for-Hand
play may happen more than once during the same tournament.
If two or more players are eliminated from a difent table during
"Hand-for-hand" play, they are considd to be eliminated in the same
hand regardless if of the hands finished earlier than the ot
Chips stacks l be compa
to de
mine the finishing order.
When a contest is between 2 players only, it is re to as
"Heads-up". Heads-up Shoot- tournaments are a good way to improve
your winning game, as you l end up facing
nt most of the
time to win any tournament.
The rules are the same w "Heads-up" play w
the excep
n t
the player w the "dealer button" posts the small blind and
l act
first pre-flop then last for the remainder of the hand. The player who
posts the big blind is dealt first.
In the M
When a player has qualified for a pr in a tournament, it is
called "In the My". If a player is "In the M
y" t
means t
l win at least the minimum pr
available for t
The total pr pool and number of players being paid is de
by the number of regised players in a tournament. The more players
t en
a tournament, the larger the pr
l be and
ultimately the more players who l receive pr
s. The number of
players, pr pool and pr
n can be fo
in the
tournament lobby. All monies paid from all Buy-ins acco for the
pr pool for e
When a player qualifies to purchase anot "Buy-in" during a
tournament, it is called a "Re-". A Re-
allows for a player to
continue competing in a tournament. Re-s are available in a Re-
&; Add-on tournament only. The number of Re-
s, time restric
amo and condi
ns for Re-
s can be fo
in the tournament lobby.
A ro is a
m re
to in "Shoot-
" tournaments; it is like
an individual "Freeze-" tournament. Ro
s have their own Level
Structure and the winner(s) from e table per ro
advance to the
next ro.
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