Jan 1, 2009

Tips for Playing Online Omaha Poker for Beginners:

Omaha Poker might be a wee bit challenging for beginner players but if you want to play and enjoy poker, it's important you learn this game. Omaha is similar in some ways to Texas Holdem poker because you will be playing with 5 community cards. But beyond that, it's a different thrust. Here are a few tips for those of you about to embark on an adventure to play online Omaha poker:

Know the different variations of Omaha

Omaha has different variations, such as the Omaha Split, Omaha Hi-Lo, Omaha 8, Omaha Hi-Lo Split and the Omaha/8. Betting variations also exist, such as the Limit Hi only, Pot Limit Hi-Lo split and the Pot Limit Hi. Familiarize yourself with these before joining a game.

Play for three cards from the board

Omaha hands are made up of three cards from the community board and two cards on your hand. These are the cards you will be using for high or low hand. That means, do not think of your cards as a separate entity from the community board. They should integrate. Keeping this in mind will help you maintain your focus.

Omaha is about starting hands

To win at Omaha poker, you better get a good grip with your starting hands. If your opponents have bad hands (compared to you) but still get money on the pot, you get to win big.

Learn the nut low

Online Omaha is played on the nut low - the lowest possible hand produced by your cards and those on the community board. The nut low is your basis for your cards. In Omaha, the lowest (or best hand) is a 54321, also called a wheel and the highest (or worst) is an 87654.

Be careful about relying too much on the river to place a bet

Omaha is sometimes referred to as the 'river game', mainly because it is the last card that lets players know who got the best and winning hand. However, relying on a strategy based on this concept isn't really accurate. Waiting for the final card to bet doesn't make sense. Omaha is all about the preparation.

If the other guy seems to be in the lead, don't be bothered too much. Think about your probability and know your cards well. Understanding where your cards stand is critical to knowing which combinations will give you the much sought-after winning hand. Consider your pot odds and compare that to your chances of getting the winning hand.

Play the pot

To win happily in online Omaha, keep your eye on the pot. If you've got the best, by all means, play for more money. It you don't, be cheap. In a perfect world, you could win big at online Omaha poker if you play good starting hands each time. If other players play most hands, the mathematics of chance will tip the odds in your favor. In Omaha, you get to earn more money, requiring only 50% of the bankroll often needed for Hold 'Em games. But then, you get bigger pay since it cranks out higher win rates per hour.

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