Jan 30, 2009

3 Reasons To Play Online USA Poker:

Playing poker online offers several clear advantages over playing table games in person.

First, online hands are played much more quickly than hands in the real world, which gives a good player higher profitability for his time investment. What is more, a talented player can multitable, sitting in on as many as four, eight, or even 16 games at once. (Once you understand the probabilities involved with various poker-hand situations, it is surprisingly easy to make snap decisions without spend much time thinking about them, and a good player online can leverage that speed to his advantage by folding bad or marginal hands at many tables and only pursuing likely winners.)

Second, sophisticated software tools exist that allow you to track data related not only to your own style of play, but to the playing styles of people who sit at tables with you. With the kind of information you can collect using an advanced tracking tool, it becomes much easier to make the kind of quick decisions on individual hands that will make you money in the long term. Once you have been at a table for a while, or even after you have played over a long period of time at one poker service where you run into the same players in different sessions, you will build up a database that will alert you to which players at the table are rocks that you should stay away from, and which players are fish that you should strive to press for all they are worth.

And finally, playing poker online gives you a large degree of control over your game and your style of playing. Rather than planning a weekend trip to your favorite casino, you can apply yourself to the game, keeping an online poker table open (and generating potential poker profits) whenever you can be sitting next to the computer. You lose the ability to exploit physical tells that can signal what kind of hand a real-life player is holding, but you will learn ways that your electronic opponents give themselves away, too. And it is easier to make calculated decisions about your bankroll when you are sitting at home, in a comfortable chair, than it is when you are sweating out a tough flop in a high-pressure casino environment.

In all, consistently good poker players can make money faster playing online rather than at real world tables , although playing in the real world can be a lot more fun!

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